If you have a wood burner and would like access to free logs from sustainable sources within the National Forest or have an interest in helping maintain some of the woodlands in the National Forest, then why not register to attend our Taster session to see how joining Heartwood Community Woodfuel Group can help you.
What's going on?
The move to our new woodland base is now becoming a reality, pre-work has been done by members at the recent working parties and we have grand plans for the site, so please get involved, it's a site we can all have input to and a site we can all make use of.
What's Going On?
First of all apologies for the gap in newsletters. There has been a number of important projects ongoing over the last few months which are now stable and mature enough to give you an update.
I hope this letter finds you and your family keeping safe and well.
Within Heartwood we have been working on a number of very significant developments that affect everyone within the group. All have been discussed at length by the committee, with this email being a resultant action of that discussion. Ordinarily we would have called an extraordinary or special meeting to bring everyone together, but circumstances mean we must communicate with everyone by whatever means we can.