If you have a wood burner and would like access to free logs from sustainable sources within the National Forest, why not come along to Donisthorpe Woodland Park to see how joining Heartwood Community Woodfuel Group can help you.
The event will run between 10:00 and 14:00 on Sunday 15rh December 2019 during which time you can get a feel for how we work and what the benefits of joining us can be.
A Free Taster Event With
Heartwood Community Woodfuel Group
If you have a wood burner, would like free firewood, love spending time outdoors and fancy joining a group of like-minded people - why not come along to find out what we do and how you can be part of it.
What's Going On?
It's been a few months since the last newsletter and a great deal has happened, so it's time to bring everyone up to date. The AGM in September was a great success with a good attendance and plenty to present and discuss. The committee has grown as a result of the officer elections, making the management of the group a little easier with more hands to share some of the work. The 2017-18 season since the last AGM has seen the group grow, not only in membership numbers, but in stature and capability. Our first formal contract is in place and we are delivering on it. Relationships have been built with other groups & organisations (more of that below) and we have made a start on our strategic direction for the next few years.
We are already halfway through the season, so lets all look forward to a productive and fun winter. Some of the important details of this are outlined below.
In the meantime can I take this opportunity to thank everyone for their continued hard work and to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
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