What's going on?
On behalf of the committee I’d like to wish you and your family a very happy Christmas and a safe and prosperous new year.
Last year the members made the first reindeers and snowmen for Heartwood Community Woodfuel Group, these were sold through Curly Magpie and Friends in Swadlincote. The success of these put them into plans for the next year.
We've received a number of queries around the new COVID-19 restrictions and how they potentially affect our sessions. The guidance has been updated as of 9th Sept and groups of more than 6 are still permitted for voluntary work so there is no change for Heartwood:
If you have a wood burner and would like access to free logs from sustainable sources within the National Forest or have an interest in helping maintain some of the woodlands in the National Forest, then why not register to attend our Taster session to see how joining Heartwood Community Woodfuel Group can help you.
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