What's going on?
Well this wasn't in the plan! The end of season arrived rather abruptly as you will all be aware, leaving us a little caught out with finishing off what we were doing. The grant work at Woodcote was completed, but we were working on how we could support the final few sessions there and at Donisthorpe. We had a plan, but sadly we had to close down very suddenly. We have left both sites in a safe and tidy state, but with a little timber remaining - we will try to extract that during the down-season if restrictions lift, taking any residual timber up to CEEP for group use, otherwise it will be a good start for next season.
What's going on?
As always just after the New Year the season seems to be running away with us. The good news is we are on target to complete our committed work and even better news we have many new members. Induction of new members has been steady at most sessions this season meaning we continue to grow - just taking a look at the stats this year shows how we have moved on since last year.
What's going on?
It's been a while since the last newsletter, mainly due to the start of the season and the work involved in making the sessions happen. There have been lots of changes this year in how the sessions are planned, booked, managed and attended, so plenty to do.
We are already halfway through the season. The weather has been pretty wet, but our sessions have all been held and well attended. The last session before Christmas on the 17th will be the 14th so far. A more detailed update on sessions below.
Can I take this opportunity on behalf of the whole Heartwood team to wish you a fantastic Christmas relaxing in front of those log fires dreaming of bow saws and brash piles. Have a lovely time and look forward to the second half of the season which starts on the 4th January.
What's Going On?
Preparation for the coming season continues whilst work at our base is progressing through the working party days. Thank you to everyone who helps out with all of the "off season" work it ensures the success of the group and puts us in a great place for the start of a new season.
The response to the first social media posts regarding the taster day in September has been very encouraging, again thank you to members of the group for sharing and spreading the word.
With the AGM coming up in September please get involved, make suggestions and certainly come along to the meeting, it is more than "just" an AGM, it's our "state of the nation" update on the group.